Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I never feel good when people compare me w others or when people pass negative comments about me. I'm just not receptive t those comments. Especially on issue like being fat/plump/chubby idk what. 

It has been an issue that I have since a young kid. I'm like fat my entire life. People start passing comments like why you so fat and all since I'm a what p3 kid? I was alr conscious about weight since then. However, I just continue t eat even though I'm worrying. So I just get fatter and never taller than sec 1? Sometimes I just wish that mommy is alil more strict on my diet then maybe I won't be who I am today. It's just upset me each time someone pass such a comment. It's not like I didn't try. I'm not someone who eat a lot. But I'm just fat. I really wonder why too. I used t tear each Time my relative said that t me. I also want t look good and all. But it's just difficult. Or probably I just didn't try hard enough. It really sucks t be me. I may appear really confident on th outside. But in fact I might be one of th lowest self esteem girl ever. I think a lot when people looks at me. Fearing that they will judge. I take each and every comment people pass t heart. It's really tiring t be me sometimes. I'm too much a perfectionist seeking for perfection for everything in my life when I'm not even Close t being perfect. 

People always say that if someone loves you, they will still do regardless on your looks/figure etc. yes it's true. But no matter what, sooner or later people will start comparing and all. And Idw that. Friends will start saying things and you will start t like reconsider and wonder if you deserve someone better. 

saying all these just make me wanna tear. Sighs, why is th world so judgmental? 

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